Assessor/IQA Retainer Agreement

Assessor/IQA Retention Agreement Form



This is a formal agreement between B.W.S.E CIC/ KMTA, the assessor or IQA. It outlines the terms and conditions by which we agree to work together.

Please read this carefully and refer back to it periodically. 

We have the right to change/modify this agreement at any time. It is your responsibility to check it when you are notified of any changes. 



An assessor or IQA will receive a monthly retainer fee under the following conditions. A retainer fee means that BWSE CIC will pay the assessor/IQA regardless of the number of learners assigned. The conditions are as follows;

  • To be available for up to 30 hours per month of assessment work and to facilitate learner support hubs as and when needed. 
  • Your CPD Records are to be kept up to date with occupational entries, including qualifications for assessing KMTA courses. (there should be no longer than 6 months between updates on your CPD)
  • Attend the required standardisation meetings and complete the reflections that relate to those meetings.
  • Maintain (or upgrade) their RAG status.
  •  Never use KMTA content (i.e. clone, copy, or share) with individuals outside of BWSE.  
  • Trainee Assessors/IQAs must complete their studies within the timeframe allocated by KMTA.



  • If an assessor or IQA breaches any of the conditions outlined above in any given month, the retainer fee will be stopped until the conditions are met. It will not be resumed until the following month when the conditions have been met. 
  • If an assessor/IQA submits a portfolio as complete, but it has been deferred for the first time and rectified by the assessor/IQA, the bonus will remain. If the portfolio is deferred again (2nd time), the bonus will be suspended until completed and signed off. 









Qualified CAVA assessors – £150 per month.

Learner certification bonus – £80 per learner qualified.

*1(a) CAVA Trainee Assessors – £75 per month.

*(a) Learner certification bonus – £15 per learner qualified.

*If BWSE pays for your CAVA qualification, you will not receive a retainer, only the learner certification bonus for each learner until you are qualified and trainer to KMTA standards.

If you pay for the CAVA qualification, your retainer will be £75 per month, plus the certification bonus per learner qualified.



Qualified IQAs – £170 per month

*1(b) IQA Trainees – £50-100 per month

*1 If BWSE pays for your qualifications, you will receive a retainer of £50 per month until you are qualified and trained to KMTA standards.

If you pay for the qualification, your retainer is £80 per month until you are qualified and trained to KMTA standards.



Assessors and IQAs are to invoice BWSE on a monthly basis. Payment is made within 14 working days of receipt of the invoice. 

To be paid, the invoice must include what work they completed during that retainer month.

ASSESSORS: Your learner certification bonus is paid once the learner has qualified. You will be notified of the number of learners and asked to send a separate invoice for that.

Assessors/IQAs are considered self-employed and therefore they are responsible for paying their tax and National insurance contributions or any other HMRC or government  policies for being self employed in the UK, or outside of the UK as a supplier to BWSE. 




If you choose to withdraw from being a supplier to BWSE, please give at least one month’s notice in writing to [email protected]. This will reduce disruption to learners’ studies.

If you need to withdraw temporarily from supplying your services as an assessor/IQA, the retainer fee and bonus fees will be stopped until you return. they will resume at the date in which you resume working and cannot be backdated.