Assessor/IQA Retainer Agreement - DRAFT VERSION
This is a formal agreement between BWS Enterprise CIC and the Kingdom Metier Training Academy (KMTA) assessor and Internal Verifier (IQA). It outlines the terms and conditions under which we have agreed to work together.
An assessor or IQA will receive a monthly retainer fee under the following conditions. A retainer means that BWSE will pay the assessor the retainer fee regardless of the number of learners. The conditions are as follows:
- To be available for up to 30 hours per month for assessment work and to facilitate learner/assessor support hubs
- CPD records must be kept current, including qualifications for assessing KMTA qualifications. (no longer than 6 months between updates)
- Attend the required KMTA assessor/IQA standardisation meetings and complete all exercises relating to those meetings.
- Be fully competent in assessing learners’ work, and for IQAs, must be competent in IQA sampling, etc, for KMTA and what is required of them by KMTA to assess the work.
- Never use our content for private work outside of KMTA. This means you are not allowed to copy, clone, or share KMTA content with individuals not enrolled in KMTA studies.
- If an unqualified CAVA assessor or IQA, they must show evidence of working on their studies to completion.
If an assessor or IQA breaches any of the above conditions in any given month, the retainer fee will be reduced by £50 per month until the conditions are met. If an assessor/IQA submits a qualification as complete, but it is deferred from your IQA or Lead IQA, this will not result in a bonus reduction. A fee is charged after the second deferral. Their bonus will be reduced by 50%
Below are the maximum ratio of learners an assessor/IQA will have.
IQA – Learner Ratio: 1:80
Assessor – Learner Ratio: 1:30
- Qualified CAVA assessors - £150 per month
- Learner certification bonus £80 per learner qualified
- Qualified IQAs - £170 per month
- *(a) CAVA Trainee assessors - £75 per month
- *(a) Learner certification bonus - £15 per learner qualified.
- *(b) IQA Trainees - £80-100 per month
- Trainee Assessors*(a)
- If BWSE pays for your CAVA Qualification, you will not receive a retainer, only the learner certification bonus for each learner rate until you are qualified.
- If you pay for the CAVA qualification, your retainer will be £75 per month plus the learner certification bonus per learner.
- Trainee IQAs*(b)
- If BWSE pays for your qualification, your retainer will be £80 per month.
- If you pay for the qualification, your retainer will be £100 per month until you are qualified.
Assessors and IQAs are to invoice BWS Enterprise monthly for the retainer fee. They must include on their invoice what they have completed during that retainer month to certify their retainer status.
Assessors: The learner certification bonus is paid once the learner has received their qualification. The assessor will be notified of the number of learners and asked to send a separate invoice for that.
Assessors and IQAs are responsible for paying their Tax and National Insurance contributions and any other HMRC requirements or government policies relating to being self-employed in the UK or outside the UK as a supplier to BWSE.
I (your name) hereby delcare to abide by the above conditions laid out in this agreement.
- Your Bank Account:
- Sort Code:
- Acount number:
Your name:
Your address:
Your email address:
Your mobile number: